Julia + Will

Last summer was CRAY-ZAY. SO many incredible couples. SO many stunning locations. One of our faves - Julia + Will. I love it when we get to hear about the history of a couple's relationship and tie it into their film. Julia and Will have history. They met when they were teens and have been together for over 10 years! Thanks to these 10 years, their speeches were full of super interesting and super sweet stories, memories and inside jokes :)

Favorite thing I learned about Julia: She keeps a swiffer duster in her car and dusts at red lights. (I think of this EVERY time I get in my car but NEVER remember to buy an extra swiffer!)

Favorite thing I learned about Will: His last name is Pickles! Best. Ever.

Another favorite: the wedding favours were 'Pickle' shaped cookies dressed up as a bride and groom - Awwwww!

Watch and enjoy!


PS A huge shout out to Alicia Keats for her exceptional planning/coordinating on this wedding. Had an awesome time working with her!