Allie + Dave || Life Defining Love

Its OctOBER?! How did THAT happen?! Whats happening to time?! Remember when you were a kid and you were given mandatory ‘quiet time’ and had to play in your room for an hour? And that hour took forrrrrevvvverrrr? Now it seems an hour isn’t enough time to do anything! It certainly isn’t long enough for a decent ‘quiet time’…  

So summer happened. And it was solid - not only did we hit the jackpot with our couples this year, but we worked with some seriously fun vendors! Over the past 9 years, I’ve fallen hard for quite a few of my vendor-friends and let me tell you, working with amazing and super fun vendors can take a wedding day from ‘Wow! That was such a nice day!’ to ‘OMG THAT DAY WAS THE BEEEEST!!!’ And one wedding that was "THE BEEEEST’ was Allie and Dave's!

We first met Allie when she was a bridesmaid at Claire + David’s wedding last year and we were so excited when her and Dave (not Claire's Dave) reached out to us about creating their film! 

We touched base with Allie + Dave last year over a skype call but we didn't get as much time to talk as we would've liked as they are both Doctors (almost) and have seriously crazy schedules. How they planned a wedding through it all I'll never know ;) We didn't really get to sit down with them and get to know them until a few days before the wedding. Luckily, we hit it off immediately because they're so relaxed and easy going. All day we kept saying to eachother that we felt like guests watching our friends get married and we just happened to have cameras. The best!

It's always a pleasure to work alongside such talented vendors. This wedding was seriously stacked. Check out these amazing people...

Event Planners: Filosophi

Photography: Shari + Mike

Venue: North Arm Farm

Band: Side One

Catering: Savoury Chef

Officiant: Modern Celebrant

Guestbook Photography Booth: Adam + Kev

Decor: Delovely Creative

Hair + Makeup: Nadia Albano